One of the things I say to people Job Function Email Database when we're looking to build a team is we need people who have the right skills or who care about the work you do. One or the other is fine. But if you can find someone who has the Job Function Email Database skills to be part of a team and is passionate about what you do, you have a very powerful combination. This is, according to the old saying, if you can find good qualities in people Job Function Email Database who are truly passionate, you will excel in any field. Another thing I would say is that if you don't care who gets the credit, it's amazing what you can achieve.
We all want to achieve our goals in Job Function Email Database one way or another. It really matters in life if we can see the greater good and try to support it. We have a lot of people applying for jobs here and we spend a lot of time making sure we Job Function Email Database find the right skills in people who are passionate about our work. I would give people such advice. Let's dig a little deeper. Talk about Run Center, which includes the New Job Function Email Database Balance Run Hub. How did this come about? Were people skeptical of the idea at first.
I am very grateful to Job Function Email Database Mary Wittenberg, my former CEO, a great friend and a running buddy. Over the years, Mary said we needed to create this international running center. We had a building on 89th Street in New York Job Function Email Database City that was a miniature version of it, but it certainly wasn't ideal. So, for many years, Mary has been on this path. When I was hired, I joined her on her journey. Along the way, we kept Job Function Email Database looking and finally we found a great location and everything was just right. That's one of the things that gets huge internal support; we've got a lot of support from the board.